Monday 22 January 2007

Definition Essay

Miracle: Where is Miracle?
Andrea Lee
Ms. Johnson
Writing C

Miracles can not be explained. Miracle is too superior to clarify in our words, but if I try to classify the meaning, miracle is extraordinary happening occurred by someone who is greater than a human, and can not be defined in human’s words. It’s amazing what miracles can do. It can bring hopes, smiles, and happiness, but it can also bring madness and sadness if you misunderstand the meaning. If you look closely in this world, everything is a miracle. At least one miracle is happening right now, at this moment. Little ants marching with their foods that are 10 times bigger than themselves can be a miracle. The trees growing on the side walk trying to filter the pollutions from the cars can be a miracle, and you itself living in the environment you are given can be an another example of miracles.
Drunk driving and getting into an accident is not a miracle. It’s just an event of cause and effect. If you drive drunk, you have more chances to die. It is very dangerous to drive when you are drunk. Drink driving will kill them but also will kill others. Why should miracles happen to those people who don’t follow the rules? Miracles are sacred. Miracles will help you, when you help the world. Also, miracle is not going to happen if you don’t work. If you want good results, work for it. Don’t just wish for it, but work for it. Not trying hard during volleyball tryouts, but wanting to make the team is not a miracle. The miracles are not going to help you to make the team when you don’t even try for it. That is not a miracle. From my personal experience, I think I experienced several miracles. Most recently, I made volleyball junior varsity. The special thing about that I never ever played volleyball before. I tried hard during tryouts to get on the team with my friends who can actually play volleyball. Since I didn’t have any skills, I ran hard and tried hard to catch up with other people. As a result, I got in the team because they picked the people who try hard, not people who has skills. It was amazing and miraculous how I made the team. I was actually surprised. From that experience, I learned if you tried hard, world will help you one day. That can be a miracle.
The word miracle comes from the Latin word miraculum meaning “object of wonder (Etymonline).” A miracle makes people wonder what it is. Miracles are supernatural powers that can not be elucidated. People want to know more about them, but it’s hard to discover. Humans want to know everything on this Earth. In Church Latin miraculum is meaning “marvelous event caused by god (Etymonline).” The meaning of Church Latin has closest meaning of a miracle than any other meanings of the words. On the other hand, in Greek word mirus is meaning “wonderful” and median is meaning “to smile (Etymonline).” Miracle is wonderful. I think it’s one of the most wonderful things that can happen. The wonderful things can bring smiles to people. For most common example, it can heal people who have rare illnesses that cannot be healed with our medical treatments. That can bring smiles to the person who has illness and can also bring smiles to their family. Miracle can do many wonderful things.
Miracles are like our precious friend. Miracles are everywhere and can support you. Like George Bernard Shaw has said, “Miracle, in the sense of phenomena we cannot explain, surround us on every hand; life itself is the miracle of miracles (Brainyquote),” life is full of miracle. People just don’t realize what miracle is. They are not satisfied with what they already have. Humans can never stop wanting. We just need to open our eyes and our hearts. Look at the world. Every little living creature knows what to do to continue their lives. No one teaches them what to do, or how to do, but they just know the information by its instinct. Isn’t that a miracle? This world is made perfect for things to live. Little tiny mistake can kill everything on this Earth. For example, one degree of the Earth’s tilt will change everything on this Earth. Some miles differences from the sun can change the temperature on the Earth ("Creation vs. Evolution"). How can this not be a miracle? We live in a wonderful world that miracles had produced. The world is a final product of miracles.
The meaning of the miracle can be explained differently to everyone. No one will have same meanings and feelings towards the word. People’s feelings and memories reflect on the word. To me, miracles are rewards for living hard and trying your best. Miracles are unexpected events. Miracles are caused by hidden power that is not yet discovered. Once again, we can not explain what miracle is but it is certainly miracles are everywhere. Miracle is happening in every corner of your life. You just don’t recognize it. Everything on this Earth is a miracle. We should thank the world we live in, and don’t wish more than what world already has. Life is already full of miracles.

Works Cited
"George Bernard Shaw Quotes." BrainyQuote. 2006. Xplore. 11 Oct 2006 .
Harper, Douglas. "Miracle." Online Etymology Dictionary. 25 April 2006. Douglas Harper. 11 Oct 2006 .
Creation vs. Evolution. Videocassette. Harvest House Publishers, 2000.

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